Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Other Organizational Cultural Activities - 1556 Words

Other: Organizational cultural activities: The program recognizes the need for to ensure that all messaging is culturally-appropriate by involving target audiences in the translation (Cameron et al, 2015, p. 11). Other: Incentives and disincentives: Incentives exist for older individuals to participate in the Falls Free program and receive insurance incentives (Cameron et al, 2015, p. 30). Furthermore, provider incentives exist for promotion of the program within the context of coding, compensation and reimbursement (Cameron et al, 2015, p. 13). Financial incentives exist for providers to adopt information technology systems for medical management to reduce falls (p.17). In reference to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act†¦show more content†¦Home risk assessment tools are available via web based that can be used by consumers, providers, caregivers to assess the need for home modification in order to promote better home safety for the aging adult (Cameron et al, 2015, p. 21). Criterion IV: Program Oversight Results-based accountability framework: There is not a results-based accountability framework. This is a significant deficiency to the program, although stated in the Falls Free 2015 National Action Plan, the plan is leveraged on past data and progress, and it is not clear how the goals and objectives are formulated or based off of. Evidence is not provided to show whether results-based accountability framework is drives future program growth. Published budget: A budget is publically published on the National Council for Aging website. The budget includes the aging program funding. Specifically the actual spending for fiscal year 2015 and 2016 is outline for each program. Five million dollars was spent in fall prevention in the elderly. The administration requested ten million dollars for the fiscal year 2017 from the Prevention and Public Health Fund allocated by Congress (Federal Budget – FY17 Aging Program Funding Table, Rep, n.d.). However, the day-to-day operations, salaries, and program’s individual budgets could not be located. Appropriate use of funds: The funding received primarily from the

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