Monday, April 13, 2020

Career development activities

Table of Contents Job Rotation Activities Mentoring Activities Internship Activities Employee expectation Stake holder expectation Measuring programs effects on performance References Job Rotation Activities These help the employee to become exposed to new activities that can help improve their growth in an organization. Being in one position can create a monotonous routine for the employee and this will likely result in stifled employee growth as they are not faced with any new challenges. This career development strategy is effective when an organization is trying to break monotony. The organization can break monotony by assigning the employee various job functions (Patton McMahon, 2001).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Career development activities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mentoring Activities Employees need inspiration from time to time and providing them support in form of mentoring activities c an help them acquire some form of mentorship. A career development mentor should be assigned to the employees to provide this kind of mentorship for the employees. The mentors could be from another country where they share work experiences with the employees of the organization regarding different work cultures. This could go a long way in helping the employee gain knowledge in how to adjust to different work environments. Furthermore, the mentor can give the employees insight as to how to write cover letters and resumes (Patton McMahon, 2001). Internship Activities Internships are a great way to help employees build their careers. Internship activities can help employees develop leadership skills. They acquire new experiences and interpersonal skills that help them to become more assertive especially when handling issues to do with conflict resolution. Employee expectation Employees have certain expectations when they are employed into a new company. As the employee settles into t he company, their expectations change with time. This can better be understood by looking at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. What once attracted the employee into the company suddenly becomes insufficient. For instance the employee may feel that what they thought was a comfortable working environment is now crowded or what they thought was good pay is no longer enough. The company therefore needs to be prepared for other stages such as reviewing the pay package of the employee. An employee also expects their talent and hard work to be recognized. The employee will also want to advance further and go up the career ladder. If an organization provides very little opportunity for this step, then the employee is more likely to change jobs and move on to the next one. Stake holder expectation Stake holders in an organization expect the organization to be able to prove its legitimacy by proving how successful its operations have been. Moreover, the organization has to be legal and reco gnized by the government. In addition, a stakeholder will judge an organization based on their past experiences with it and how well it has managed to meet certain expectations (Ledinghum Bruning, 2001).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This helps to build an unquestionable reputation between the company and the stakeholder. Stakeholders expect the company to be free of crisis and scandals that can potentially ruin the image of the company. Such scandals include the company being associated with violating human rights, money laundering, etc. Measuring programs effects on performance These can be easily measured by assessing job performance of the employees. Scales are the most feasible method to use especially where businesses are not able to devote many days a week in order to test work performance. The most commonly used scale is the graphic rater scale. It helps the super visor make a direct judgment about the quality of employees work on a specific response scale. There are different types of response scales such as: continuous scales, verbally anchored scales, and numeric scales (Gamble, Strickland Thompson, 2007). References Gamble, J. Strickland, A Thompson, A. (2007). Crafting Executing Strategy. (15th Ed.).New York, McGraw-Hill Ledingham, A. J Bruning, D. S. (2001). Public Relations as Relationship Management: A Relational Approach. Routlegde Publishers. Patton, W McMahon M. (2001). Career Development Programs: Preparation For Lifelong Career Decision Making. ACER Press This essay on Career development activities was written and submitted by user Larissa H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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