Friday, December 27, 2019

Analytical Essay on The Notebook Film - 744 Words

In the early 1900’s silent films amazed audiences with images, later talkies impressed with sound, today we have 3D. As technology continues to evolve so too will film genres. Genres, while having some shared characteristics, also differ in terms of stylistic devices used. For instance, the dramatic film â€Å"The Notebook† effectively uses color to reinforce theme and has plausible performers as the two main protagonists. â€Å"The Notebook† directed by Nick Cassavetes in 2004 tells the story of a couple’s fifty year long love affair and its trials and tribulations. The film begins in a nursing home where an old man (Noah) reads a book to an old lady (Allie) suffering from Alzheimer’s. Noah, a poor country boy, and Allie, a rich city girl, meet†¦show more content†¦Their facial expressions, gestures and movements make audiences empathize with the protagonists. In the scene of their first quarrel Rachel McAdams cries, sobs, portrays despair and pleads to stay ,as realistically as if she feels her character’s emotions. In scenes of happy moments she smiles and laughs sincerely, like when she listens to Noah (Ryan Gosling) sitting next to her. Ryan Gosling also demonstrated his acting talents in the movie. His character is very romantic and faithful and the actor expressed these traits very well. For instance, in the scene he first meets her he looks at her with lovi ng eyes, his eyebrows are raised a bit as he cannot stop admiring her. When other women try to talk to him, he lets them see their attempts are futile via tone changes and hands crossed on his chest, which express his love and faithfulness. Such a realistic actors’ performance reinforces the dramatic plot. Warm and pastel colors predominate in †The Notebook†. The creators intended to reinforce the theme also by means of colors. Episodes, in which Allie and Noah are together, have more white, beige, pink, light blue and green. For instance, Noah painted the house he restored in white color; the sky is clear and blue when they are together. The white color of the house represents purity of Noah’s love and his devotion to Allie, and the clearShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Lesson Construction Template1111 Words   |  5 Pagesand Objective Plan, plan and plan some more. That’s basically what a good writer has to do. Along with deciding on a purpose and genre, a writer has to consider who will be reading the piece and how he will present the main idea. When you write an essay or paper, you too must think about these things. Link: Today s lesson objective is: Students will identify and introduce the topic for the intended audience. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ifra Iqbal. April 18, 2016. Globalization 441. Professor

Ifra Iqbal April 18, 2016 Globalization 441 Professor Garclon Final Exam In this paper you will understand the shift of the development to the globalization project. In doing so you will learn what â€Å"globalization† means as a project and as a process and why it is described as being in crisis. Next you will learn about the financial and farming dimensions of the problems confronting the globalization project. With that you will thirdly learn about how global warming presents multiple challenges to globalization. I will also discuss the emergent â€Å"sustainability project†, with particular attention to agricultural, â€Å"green technology† and environmental movements. Lastly I will analyze how terrorism and the emergence of Trumpismo†¦show more content†¦The debt crisis transformed the development project into a globalization project. In 1997 Asian financial crisis, exposed Indonesian military regime in social rebellion against cronyism and neoliberal austerity, called IMF policies into question. During this crisis the IMF had worsened the finical crisis because of speculator fear. (Mc Michael 282). In 1997 Asian financial crisis had the government control half of their industrial assets, and invest in infrastructure. With this the government was not capable of meeting a number of demands from private economic sector. The free market economy was opposed to state move to increase the profit of the free market economy and the government took this step because it was being pressurized by people. The market –induced crisis in Argentina reveled the legitimacy crisis of the globalization project at the same time it exposed ambiguities of sovereignty (Mc Micheal118). With this the market-induced financial crisis, matched a disturbing democracy and by a regime that surrounded the sovereignty in its financial polic y, and citizens responded with forms of direct democracy with violence. The crisis of globalization is as a manifested in both its material and failures and resistances. (McMichael 119). Next is the financial and farming dimensions of the problems confronting the globalization project? In 1955 the Agreement

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Lucille Ball Essay Research Paper Lucille Desiree free essay sample

Lucille Ball Essay, Research Paper Lucille Desiree Ball. The first idea that comes into many people? s heads when this name is said would be? Lucy? the well known amusing character she played on her popular Television series? I Love Lucy? ( 1951-57 ) .How did she go a fable? With dreams of being on phase in musicals to being the? star? in the large screen. Just like? Lucy? , Lucille yearned to be a celebrated performing artist. Looking back now, anyone could state that her childhood dream came true. Who would hold thought that a Jamestown farm miss could go a Hollywood fable. I guess you can state it all started on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown New York # 8211 ; when a? star? was born. Lucille was the first kid of Henry Dunnell Ball and the former Desiree Evelyn Hunt, both were teens when they were married and had Lucille. She had ascendants from all over Europe. With roots from France England, Scotland, and Ireland. ( Harris 20 ) Besides holding the ability to do anyone laugh any clip and in any state of affairs. Another unforgettable trait Lucille had was her ruddy hair. Unfortunately, she was brought into this universe with blond hair, that darkened to a brunette. However she still kept that? small miss? quality, which became one of her chief entreaties as a comic. Lucille despised being called? Lucy? so her household nicknamed her? Lucyball? . Although she tried to avoid being called? Lucy? after a certain telecasting introduction in 1951, she was seldom called anything but? Lucy? . Lucille? s male parent worked for her gramps, Jasper Ball as a electrical lineman. As a consequence of his occupation, the household was invariably on the move. Lucille ended up passing her childhood in topographic points like Anaconda, Montana, and Wyandotte, Michigan. Army for the liberation of rwanda from her place of birth in Jamestown. ( Harris 20 ) Even as a kid Lucille possessed qualities similar to? Lucy? . Her female parent ever had to bind a rope around her waist and hook it to the clothesline in order to maintain Lucille out of problem. Most of the clip she did anyhow. One forenoon her female parent looked out the window and saw her all tangled up on a tree subdivision, imploring the milkman to assist her get free. ( Harris 20 ) Life seemed to travel good for immature Lucille. With a babe brother on the manner. It was supposed to be their happiest twelvemonth. Until a calamity happened to the Ball? s. In February, Henry Ball came down with typhoid febrility and died. After her male parent? s decease, Lucille and her female parent moved to Jamestown to populate her grandparents, Frederick and Florabelle Hunt. Shortly after the move, Lucille? s babe brother Fred was born on July 3, 1915. Certain that Fred was her female parent? s favourite Lucille hated her brother. Small did she cognize that her mother dedicated her life to Lucille. Desiree had studied piano and wanted Lucille to follow in her footfalls, but Lucille showed no involvement despite her female parent? s attempts to learn her. ( Harris 21 ) Lucille was in attention of her grandparents most of the clip. Her female parent still immature and desiring to happen a hubby made it hard to watch over Lucille and Fred. Lucille was really near to her grandparents, particularly her gramps. She got her first gustatory sensation of show concern from Grandpa Hunt. Lucille loved watching music hall with her grandfather on Saturdays. When they got place, she would reenact the show for her grandma. She besides used to drama theatre with her friend Pauline Lopus. They used the barn as their theatre, phase, sign of the zodiac, spread house. Lucille and her friends frequently put on one-act dramas and reviews, for which they made their ain tickets, props, and advertisement postings. She loved playing a male child in her Acts of the Apostless and the audience loved it excessively. Her gramps saw her love for moving, and he promote her to get involved in dramas at school and church. ( Harris 22 ) Like earlier whenever things seem to be traveling good for Lucille, something had to travel incorrect. It did. In 1920 Lucille? s ma Desiree remarried, and left Lucille and Fred temporarily. Later she sent for her childs where they lived with her new hubby Ed Peterson. Ed was truly rigorous to the kids, Lucille felt frustrated all the clip with his regulations. The lone manner out of this for her was to do people laugh. Thingss began to travel bad in the Peterson place Ed began imbibing. That? s when Lucille and her brother were sent back to their grandparent? s house. Once once more tragedy strict, Lucille? s grandma died from malignant neoplastic disease. With her grandma gone, Lucille had to take attention of Fred. And at the age of 10, she began holding parttime occupations. During the summer, she sold hot Canis familiariss and ice pick from a small summerhouse or on the boardwalk. Lucille was in her teens when World War I and the Great Depression. ( Harris 25-6 ) Lucille was the first miss in her neiborhood to acquire the British shilling hair cut, ain a raccoon coat, and to have on unbuckled arctics. Like true? flapper? . At 15, Lucille was 5? 6, every bit tall as she would of all time be. Many didn? T know if she was a adult female or a kid because of her mature looks. Some people were leery of where she got that $ 125 raccoon coat. But it was a payoff from her female parent to maintain Lucille from dropping school. ( Harris 26 ) Lucille didn? T truly care about her instruction. She could hold been a good pupil if she wanted to. At 15, she wanted to discontinue traveling to Jamestown High School and travel to John Murray Anderson-Robert Milton School of the Theater and Dance which she thought would take her to a large calling in Broadway or in music hall. Desiree eventually agreed to allow Lucille travel, but merely on a test bases for 6 hebdomads. Her ma doubted she wouldn? t acquire any farther than that. Unfortunately her female parent was right, Lucille was in and out of that school in 6 hebdomads. The school even sent her ma a missive literally stating she was blowing her money. Lucille did hold a function theoretical account in her short clip at the academy. Ruth Elizabeth Davis, or as she was known at the school Bette Davis. Lucille would follow her around the school in complete admiration- seeking to analyze her. ( Harris 26 ) It was back to Jamestown High. Lucille being a typical adolescent, hung out at Harvey? s Drugstore, dated male childs, played on the miss? s hoops squad, and was a cheerleader. Typical adolescent, except she was determined to go an actress. ( Harris 28 ) Lucille? s gramps was forced to sell the house and ownerships to wage for medical measures for an accident that happened at his house to one of Fred? s friends. So they had to travel in with Desiree and Ed. Lucille couldn? T base populating in such a little house with so many people. She frequently took the train to transpose between Jamestown and New York. ( Harris 28 ) / gt ; Over the following few old ages Lucille tried and failed to set down occupations in the amusement universe. She even tried utilizing phase names, she encouraged people to name her? Montana? . No affair what she called herself, Lucille could acquire no further than hearings. She supported herself by acquiring parttime occupations selling theatrical cosmetics at Grey? s apothecarys shop and bookkeeping at Woolworth? s. Lucille even considered going a beautician, but she didn? T hold the money to take the class required to acquire a licence. During this clip she lived with a household in Washington Heights while go toing the Anderson-Milton school once more. Feeling homesick, she moved back to Jamestown and went back to Jamestown High. Where she joined a group called the? Player? . Lucille got the portion of the taking function in Within the Law, a production of Bayard Veiller. She even dyed her hair to acquire more into her character. Well the critics raved about Lucille? s public presentation. Although no audience or endowment lookouts were in the audience. Positive responses sent her back to New York for another attempt at celebrity. ( Harris 30 ) Delayed but non discouraged Lucille was unable to happen a acting calling at that place. However she did happen a little mold occupation which turned into a large patterning occupation. At first it was patterning frocks for manner shows. Which paid merely $ 25 a hebdomad. Then she got aid from Roger Furse who got her patterning chapeaus at a ritzy salon for Hattie Carnegie. Thingss seemed to be traveling good with her mold, until she fractured her spinal column in a car accident in Central Park. She spent three old ages recovering in a infirmary. From wheelchair to crutches, so eventually she could walk once more. Lucille couldn? T go back to her occupation, Hattie Carnegie had died and left no record that Lucille had work for her. Lucille still fighting, landed a occupation to present for a hoarding. ? The Chesterfield Girl? . The ad won her two screen trials, one at Paramount studio in Long Island and the other at Vitagraph Brooklyn. But cipher wanted to develop her into a film actress, she decided to look elsewhere. One twenty-four hours while shopping for underclothes, she bumped into a agent Sylvia Hahlo. She had merely lost a client and she needed one more miss for a company that she was directing to California to work for Sam Goldwyn. She was one of the 12 theoretical accounts selected to romanticize Roman Scandals, a musical extravaganza. I guess that was her large interruption, to go the? star? . Small did she cognize it was merely the beginning of a life long career full of glamor, laughter, and cryings. ( Harris 34-6 ) From at that place, Lucille went along with the other misss to Chicago where she starred in her first film? The Old Maestro? . Another movie she starred in was Roman Scandal, it? s similar to? The Wizard of Oz? . She started playing walk on functions and from there she played bigger more of import functions until finally she had parts in films like. After she moved to Hollywood, California in 1933, she appeared in tonss of gesture images, including Phase Door ( 1937 ) , Five Came Back ( 1939 ) and Dance Girl Dance ( 1940 ) where she met Desi Arnaz, which she fell in love with and was married to on November 30, 1940 in Connecticut. ( Harris 87-8 ) ( Encarta 98 Encyclopedia ) Lucille? s unforgettable Television series? I Love Lucy? was a large success which starred her hubby Desi Arnaz which she met while on the set of Too Many Girls- a Broadway musical. The secret plan was simple for? I Love Lucy? in this series Ball and Arnaz play Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, a married twosome who lived in a New York flat. It focused on their mundane household life, particularly Lucy? s efforts to go a phase performing artist and the attempts of bandleader Ricky to maintain her out of it. The screaming show started in 1951 and ended in 1957. ( Encarta 98 Encyclopedia ) During her old ages of? I Love Lucy? at the age of 40 and ten old ages after they were married she had her foremost kid, Lucie Desiree Arnaz. Born on July 17, 1951. Then in January 19, 1953 she gave birth to Desi Jr. , which made? I Love Lucy? an even bigger success. Since they added? Small Ricky? into the book. ( Harris 168, 189 ) Although on Television the supposed Lucille and Desi seemed to be the happiest twosome. But in world things couldn? t be any worst. Constantly contending on and off the set. Their unstoppable statements and temporally separations finally turned into a bad divorce in 1959. ( Encarta 98 Encyclopedia ) Fame and luck. Isn? T that what Lucille wanted from the beginning? Her childhood dream had become a world. But, like world non everything was dreams. Ricky remarried, go forthing Lucille all entirely. But she got back on her Equus caballus and she starred in tonss of good Television shows, movies and on Broadway after? I Love Lucy? ended. ( Encyclopedia ) In February 1989, Lucille received a call from the manufacturers of moviedom? s one-year Academy Awards dramatic inquiring if she? vitamin D squad up with Bob Hope on the following telecast. It was an offer she couldn? T garbage. She even bought a beautiful black beaded gown with a gold sequined collar for the Awards. Lucille and Bob Hoped received a standing ovation when they strolled out on phase of the Chandler Pavilion on March 29. The following twenty-four hours Bob called her to see how she was experiencing, claimed to be all right. She had programs to wing to Jamestown, nevertheless she neer made it back to her hometown. Three hebdomads after the telecast while eating breakfast she felt a stabbing hurting in her thorax. And was taking to Cedars-Sinai Hospital exigency room. She had to hold unfastened bosom surgery, at first she seemed to hold been retrieving good. Then on April 24, 1989 she suffered a full cardiac apprehension. Although the physicians tried to acquire her bosom started once more, it merely wasn? t plenty. She was declared dead at 6:04 a.m. at the age of 77. Equally shortly as the intelligence broke out fans flocked to Lucille? s house in Beverly Hills go forthing flowers at her doorsill. To avoid a circus of a public funeral, she didn? Ts have one. Her organic structure was cremated and the ashes were buried in the Family secret plan at Forrest Lawn. Gary Morton her two kids and their partners were the lone informants. ( Harris 328-32 ) Whether if any one believes it, there is no inquiry that Lucille Ball will travel on everlastingly in the Black Marias of those who have seen her in? I Love Lucy? or in the tonss and tonss of other successful plans and films she did in her life. Because of the long range of Television no other individual in my sentiment has of all time brought more laughter to the universe. Her wit is cosmopolitan and timeless. Her work will look even funnier as clip goes on. She left us a fable, turn outing that even your wildest dreams can come a world. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Professional Development for Strategic Managers Up the Ladder to Complete Success

Executive Summary Self-development as a businessman and a leader is one of the issues on the agenda of the present-day entrepreneurship. The given paper is a continuation of the research in which the personal and professional assets of the research author have been evaluated.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Professional Development for Strategic Managers: Up the Ladder to Complete Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Offering a cohesive analysis of the above-mentioned results, the paper provides detailed recommendations as per the further actions and development. The given paper will provide the means to combine personal development with the training of the business qualities and recommends the activities which help the author of the research use efficiently of the qualities at the disposal. Introduction: Personal Development in the Realm of Modern Business Progress is an integral part of the way our rea lity works, and developing in every possible way is what every person does. However, it is important to take into account that, in its turn, living in the modern world presupposes developing in several directions at the same time; to be more precise, there are two key development directions, which are personal and professional growth. In the given papers, the strategies for the two are going to be introduced. Personal Development Plan: A Moving Staircase to Success According to Clegg Bradley, the plan of personal development must take into account not only the present-day challenges, but also to set the pace for the future development as well.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to what Clegg Bradley say, the whole thing is, in fact, a lifelong process: â€Å"The development of PDP goes beyond evidence collection; it aspires to form an intermediary stage leadin g to continuing professional development (CDP) and lifelong learning† (Clegg Bradley, 2006, pp. 59-60). Therefore, the ideas below are going to concern the issues which might appear in future. Using experience in decision-making Since for a manager, it is important to react adequately towards the emerging issues, one of the most obvious choices for the personal development. The use of the experience in creating a personal working style is quite essential. As McCauley Brutus (1998) claim, â€Å"Because most development occurs as a result of on-the-job experiences, the manner by which these experiences are allocated constitutes a very important aspect of the overall development process† (McCauley Brutus, 1998, p. 92). Putting the marketing background to work As for the next priority on the planning list, analyzing what kind of experience is going to be of the greatest use and checking what possible results it will bring is a must. Since marketing proved to be one of my greatest assets due to the previous background, it is most reasonable to focus on the marketing skills. How to use the communication skills The ability to communicate efficiently is a great advantage. Using personal communication skills is the priority #3, and the third stage of the plan will focus on the given quality. It seems most reasonable to use the communication skills to solve conflicts and to develop relationships between a manager and the employees. In addition, the communication skills will be especially important when explaining the company goals to the employees.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Professional Development for Strategic Managers: Up the Ladder to Complete Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ability to multitask and delegate responsibilities The ability to multitask and delegate responsibilities is the third priority on the list. Developing the given quality, I will be abl e to use it efficiently when solving the problems that involve a number of issues and demand a lot of attention. As for delegating the responsibilities, choosing the right person for a certain kind of task means having the given task completed perfectly, which is the ultimate goal for a company manager. Assessing the Personal Development Outcomes As it has been mentioned previously, the core of the research centers on the question whether it is actually possible to comprise a PDP together with the one for the professional development without any of them having to suffer great changes. However, when the PDP is put into practice, the professional development sphere is bound to be changed considerably; therefore, it is necessary to check if any harm will be done and what one will be able to do about the latter. The methodology: the right way to do it It goes without saying that, to collect the data which has not even appeared yet, rather tricky approaches must be taken. Thus, it seems most legit to start with the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses that I possess, deciding how to apply my advantages in the best way, and then thinking whether it is possible to make use of weaknesses as well in a certain context or whether it is better to dispose of them. Personal development plan To start with, the PDP is going to be taken into consideration with the professional development as a foil for the personal progress.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As it has been mentioned, it will include the development of such qualities as professional experience, application of the communication skills and the active use of the marketing background. However, it is necessary to consider the PDP in the context of the professional development as well. Using the strengths and improving them Despite the fact that the goals of a personal character and those concerning work are quite different, personal strengths which have been indicated owing to the SMART objectives analysis can be used both to develop personally and to achieve considerable results in work. Effective person habits application Although I do not have all the necessary habits that, according to Covey, are necessary for a manager to possess, I suppose that it is still possible to acquire these features with the help of consistent and regular training. In addition, according to Gonsling and Minzberg, it is possible to shape the mindset of a manager with the help of a specific approa ch. According to the authors, there are five perspectives which are bound to help shape a true manager’s attitude: â€Å"Managing self: the reflective mind-set; managing organizations: the analytic mind-set; managing context: the worldly mind-set; managing relationships: the collaborative mind-set; managing change: the action mind-set† (Gonsling Minzberg, 2003, 2), I can apply such habits as thinking win/win, sharpening the saw and synergizing, while such habits as being proactive and beginning with the final result in mind can be trained. Personal skills development Developing my personal skills will also go on the list of my PDP. It will allow me to shape my professional attitude. Moreover, I will be able to avoid adapting the leadership style which Covey defined as â€Å"clearly manipulative, even deceptive, encouraging people to use techniques to get other people to like them, or to fake interest in the hobbies of others to get out of them what they wanted, or to use the ‘power look’† (Covey, 2004, 8). Using the weaknesses or defeating them Although it might seem most appropriate to get rid of the weaknesses which can harm the development of leadership skills, considering some of them and checking whether they can be used at a certain stage will not harm. For instance, such weakness as the inability to keep with the deadlines can be easily defeated with the help of a series of self-training procedures. Personal work objectives Analyzing the way the personal work objectives integrate with the PDP brought to life, one can see distinctly every single instance of incompatibility between the two plans and check the possible ways to fix the emerging problems. In addition, both plans can be corrected so that no conflicts should arise between them. The negative effects and how to dispose of them Negative results are unavoidable; regardless of the sphere in which the development takes place, the disadvantages will appear together with the benefits. Speaking of the issue in question, it can be suggested that the work on the personal development can hinder the process of professional skills training. In addition, mixing the leadership styles can lead to losing my own individual way of leadership, not to mention what can happen once I adopt the wrong leadership style. The positive results and their application Speaking of the positive results concerning the personal development and the way these results can be used in the business sphere, one must mention that the issues mentioned below are not merely suppositions, but the plans based on the careful results the SMART analysis. Strategic skills development The development of strategic thinking is crucial for successful management. Therefore, my ability to think strategically can be applied efficiently in managing the human resources. Indeed, according to Larson Hansen (2005), the given quality â€Å"this type of problem requires thinking strategically about sy stems consisting of human actors† (328); distributing the tasks among the staff efficiently will lead to the company’s ultimate success. 7 leadership styles application Of course, using all the seven leadership styles described in the previous report is practically impossible. However, it is possible to combine two or three of them according to the business context. The given decision is, in fact, an example of using a situational leadership approach. The choice of leadership is especially important in the light of the rapidly developing technology As Obiwuru, Okwu, Akpa Nwankwere (2011) explain, â€Å"When an organization must adapt to changes in technology, its leadership is a critical factor in its successful change† (Obiwuru, Okwu, Akpa Nwankwere , 2011, 103). Conclusion: The Results and the Future Prospects Therefore, the key to successfully combining personal and professional development is to check what personal qualities can be useful in the realm of bu siness and focus on their development, as well as acquiring the traits of a typical leader. It is clear now that, once my personal qualities are in chord with the functions which I am supposed to perform in developing my professional skills, the two can perfectly complement each other; moreover, the development of any of my personal qualities will trigger the necessity to train the corresponding professional one. Appendix A: Personal Development Plan Personal Development Plan Training, Learning Development Needs Priority How will this be met? Target date Evaluation – what have you learnt? Evaluation – how much difference will it make to how you do your jobs? Strategis skills development The highest Setting goals and developing careful plans on gradual implementation of these goals Two weeks Evaluating the outomces, one can choose the most suiatble problem solution With the given skill trained, I will be able to plan things more efficiently, which is crucialfor a leader Leadership style application High Solving the emerging conflicts and channeling the employees’ efforts in the right direction Week Each problem needs a unqiue approach, which is why several leadership styles must be taken into consideration I will be more flexible and will be able to find a unqiue solution to any problem Disposing of negative traits (defaulting on the schedule) High Analyzing the negative traits and work on different behavior model. Two weeks Negative character traits are not necessarily the ones that must be eliminated immediately. In certain cases, negative traits can be turned into benefits Once the given stage is over, I will stop making the mistakes Ifrequently make. Personal skills development High Developing a plan on training personal skills Two weeks Despite the fact that personal skills are considered no substitute for business skills, the former can still be used in the realm ofmarketing. Developing personal qualities can help acquire geat business skills I will be able to use my personal skills for developing the professioanl ones aas twell as my leadership style. Communicational skills development Middle Developing communicational skills in the course ofconversations with employees and managerial Three weeks I have learned that the art ofdeeveloping communicational skills goes beyog learning the theoretical material. Despite the fact that the theory ofcommunication explains a lot ofcomplicated issues, it still does not provide the mnaswers to certai questions, which means that I have to search for the solutions to communicational prolems myself I will be able to solve conflicts arising among the staff/managerial and win people’s respect and affection Effective person habits application Middle Analyzing my own behavior, checking when I deviate from the effective person pattern and use the effective perso habits that I have not developed yet in the above-menioned situations Three weeks Although the sev en effective person habits are doubtlessly, the features ofa true leader, they require certain character qualities which popel with certain temperament need to train thorughly I will gain more weight among the staff and the managerial and be able to make decisions more wisely. Marketing background usage MIddle Rethinking the obtained marketing experience and applying the obtained skills when they are required Three weeks In the process I have leraned that every single bit ofexperienc in a cetain field can be used to succeed in the given sphere The active use ofmarketig background will help me find the solutions to the arising problems faster and plan the furtehr actions better. SMART Objectives Element How does the objective include the element? Specific Professional and personal training will affect my current position. Measurable After the training, my performance will increase by 10%. Achievable I have taken into accounts my personal limitations and drawbacks. Rea listic Three weeks are more than enough for training skills and specific character traits. Timescaled The objectives must be met in three weeks. Reference List Clegg, S Bradley, S 2006, ‘Models of personal development planning: practice and processes’, British Educational Research Journal, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 57-76. Web. Covey, S R 2004, The 7 habits of highly effective people personal workbook: powerful lessons in personal change, Pocket Book, New York City, NY. Gonsling, J Minzberg, H 2003, The five minds of a manager, Harvard Business School Corporation, Boston, MA. Web. Larson, R Hansen, D 2005, ‘The development of strategic thinking: learning to impact human systems in a youth activist program’, Human Development, no. 48, pp. 327-349. Web. McCauley, C D Brutus, S, 1998, Management development through job experiences, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC. Web. Obiwuru, T C, Okwu, A T, Akpa, V O, Nwankwere, I A 2011, ‘Effects of leadership style on organizational performance: a survey on selected small scale enterprises in Ikisi-Ketu Council Development area of Lagos State, Nigeria’, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 100-111. Web. This term paper on Professional Development for Strategic Managers: Up the Ladder to Complete Success was written and submitted by user Andrea Flores to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tokyo Afm free essay sample

How would you recognize revenues associated with this type of catastrophe insurance contract? As with any accounting transaction the attempt is to capture the economic reality of the transaction. By recognizing all of the revenue up front upon the cash collection of the policy, it does not accurately portray the liability that Tokyo AFM has over the term of the policy. We will write a custom essay sample on Tokyo Afm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order for a company to be able to recognize revenue it must be both earned and realized or realizable. Meaning that Tokyo AFM must fulfill the obligations of the contract of 5 years, and secondly that it has been paid for the services. Furthermore in SAB 101 4 basic conditions exist that help clarify revenue recognition: * Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists- in the form of a contract with Fuji computers protecting it’s building against earthquake damage, over the term of 5 years. * Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered- the life of contract is 5 years, therefore Tokyo AFM is liable for the damages over the life of the policy. * The seller’s price to the buyer is fixed or determinable- Assumed at a price of ? 100 million up front in cash. Collectability is reasonably assured-As stated; the premium was paid up front in cash. With all previous information stated, Tokyo AFM should recognize the revenue of ? 100 million, evenly over the 5 year life of the contract. Question 2: Would you capitalize any of the above acquisition cost, or would you expense them immediately? If you were to capitalize the costs, over what period would you amortize them? A. The commission fee paid to the agent of ? 50,000 should be capitalized, and amortized. The fee of ? 50,000 should be spread across the useful life of the contract, in this case, 2 years. My opinion would be to use a straight line method, amortizing ? 25,000 each year. This portrays the economic reality of the situation, and closely follows the principles laid out by GAAP. The straight line method allocates the cost equally over the expected life of the asset 2 years. By immediately expensing the costs of the commission paid to the agent, Tokyo AFM is not accurately portraying the economic reality of the situation. The basis of accrual accounting is to record transactions in the period in which the events occur, and not necessarily when the cash is paid or received. B. The marketing efforts over the past 6 months to promote the Home Umbrella offerings should not be amortized and expensed immediately. Under GAAP, it is a general rule that advertising and marketing costs are expensed when they are incurred. The main reason is because it is nearly impossible to tell when or if marketing efforts will results in an increase of sales. If there is a point in time which you can attribute a growth in sales to marketing efforts, how much of the increase, would be attributed to the new marketing campaign would be nearly impossible to predict. For these reasons, GAAP recommends that marketing and advertising costs are reconciled against operating income in the time period in which they occurred. Thus, removing any ability to capitalize an expense in which you can not specifically determine how much of, or during what time period it would be appropriate to capitalize certain costs. Please note, that under GAAP this is a recommendation, and not a requirement. There are several examples of companies using â€Å"deferred customer acquisition costs† in order to prop up their overall financial standing. As with many companies that attempt to misrepresent their financial performance, this leads to a slippery slope and often ends in the demise of said companies. It is important to continue to portray the best financial picture possible of Tokyo AFM; therefore I would recommend expensing these marketing and advertising costs immediately. Question 3: What accounting treatment would you choose for expected losses (a) associated with automobile contracts and (b) associated with catastrophes? From a shareholder’s perspective, what concerns do you think could arise with respect to the accounting treatment of expected losses? A. In an attempt to accurately represent the amount of liability owed in automobile claims Tokyo AFM should show a line item of a liability. Because these claims can be reasonably estimated, and paid out within the current fiscal year reporting. Based on historical information Tokyo can estimate it’s liabilities within a 10 percent ratio, as stated in exhibit 1. The company must be cognizant of economic reality, and estimates that 70% of claims made will be payable due to automobile claims. Under or overstating its liabilities due to automobile premiums could result in misstating financial information and depict a financial environment that in fact is not reality. B. In dealing with a situation like a catastrophe, or trying to accurately represent this economic event on a balance sheet, I would think you would treat it as an item disclosed in the financial statement notes, but not accrued as a liability. There is no level of certainty in which this event can be predicted, from a time perspective, nor from a cost or liability stand point. Based upon historical information provided, there is no accurate predictor of these type claims. In order to accurately represent the event, and premiums paid to Tokyo AFM, they must show some type of claim over the life of the insurance premium contract. In the 20 years of historical information, there is not a pattern, and attempting to associate a fixed cost, to this type of insurance policy would be misrepresenting the reality of the type of claim associated. Catastrophic events cannot be predicted, nor can the amount of liability, or damage incurred by such events. From the shareholder’s perspective, I would feel as though this would be an area in which you would feel as though the company should be fairly conservative in their estimates. Although Tokyo AFM could misstate liabilities, if it grossly under estimated its total liabilities it could certainly mislead investors, one way or another. GAAP and other guidelines that shape decision making in accounting must always as accurately as possible depict the financial position These are typically valued at market value on a balance sheet, and unrealized gains and losses are included as a component of shareholder’s equity shown on the balance sheet. These marketable securities can be written up or down determined by market value. As with all items on a balance sheet accuracy and reality are the most important aspects in dealing with a company’s financial standing. The liquidity of Tokyo AFM must be accurately portrayed, and when looking at the investments made, it is imperative to show its ability to pay claims, and sustain profitability.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

THE NEWS essays

THE NEWS essays Before this assignment I had never studied news coverage before, like I did now. Studying the news that is put out by different news media's is just incredible, because in each type of news service, they are different. The Headlines are usually close to one another but they are not always the exact same. Take the headline for Monday October 19, 1999, CNN Headline News uses "New North Carolina flooding feared", while the MSNBC News Headlines are "Clinton, GOP in budget showdown", and lastly Lycos News used "Computers that Read Your Shifting Moods." Although none of these headline stories are the same, we see what different media outlets believe their headline stories are! I choose three different media outlets they were CNN Headline News, MSNBC Headline News, and one of the search engines Lycos News. The reason why I picked these three different media's is because I thought that they were going to be the most diverse, and the most similar. Because I picked two big media outlets, MSNBC, and CNN Headline News, I thought that these two would probably be closer too each other than Lycos News. The reason why is because each of those two outlets have people everywhere, in the White House, in Bosnia, where ever there is a story they will send people to go. While Lycos is not as dominant as the other two are, I wanted to see how big Lycos really is compared in news coverage. As I said earlier the first report on CNN Headline News was Flooding in North Carolina, the way that CNN had reported this was by two news anchors and a reporter in North Carolina. Because of the time usage of that particular story I as well as other could not believe how big of a story it was. I thought that it was going to be the top story everywhere. I was wrong because MSNBC did not agree with me, because their first story dealt with President Clinton vetoing a 12.6 billion-dollar foreign aid bill. The way MSNBC covered this was by having a reporter...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Apple Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Apple - Case Study Example In fact, the first Apple computer, the Apple I was late for its much anticipated launch due to improvements that were deemed to assist the end-user but were eventually costly. Apple Inc. dropped its computer name to embrace the new consumer electronic market the Company was indulging in. Since 2007, the company’s business model has shifted from a computer manufacturer to include other electronic consumers’ products. Such products include: the iPod, which was first, launched in 2001. The name change was then realized in 2007 when Apple launched the iPhone. The iPhone combined the iPod and a phone and thus marked a transition period for the Company. Over the years, Apple Inc has come up with more products besides the computers. These include the iPad and most recently, the Company just launched the latest version of iPhone 5. The Company’s strategy revolves around Apple’s ability to design and develop its own operating system, software and hardware that are user friendly (Marino, Hattaway and Jackson 150). What are the economic segments and characteristics of the PC industry? According to porter’s five forces, the competitive rivalry within an industry proves to be the most restrictive economic force in the PC industry. On the other hand, the threat of new entrants may be the weakest force due to the large amount of capital required for investment in the industry. The other three forces include: the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of consumers and threat of substitute products. What is the competition like in the PC industry? The PC industry is an attractive industry due to the huge sums of marks realized however, a Company has to invest a lot of capital and has to be innovative to survive. For Apple’s case, the PC industry is an attractive industry for the firm due to their continuous innovation and massive revenue. As of the year 2008, Apple Inc was the